June 01, 2002-8:58 p.m.

Remember this entry where I told you that I was hoodwinked into being the lead in a job function that had been the primary reign of the trucker�s daughter?

Well, I thought you might want to hear the details of how smoothly that transition has been going.


Tuesday, we all returned to work from our holiday eager to see what new version of hell awaited us. The day for me was mostly filled with meetings with the supervisor as she had been on vacation and needed the pertinent details of everything that occurred whilst she was away. I also spoke with the person who is the liaison to the employer upon whose account I work in order to determine what steps to take now that the trucker�s daughter is no longer in the picture.

The work that TD is transitioning to me involved a lot of contact with various representatives employed by our client. She has a certain rapport with these representatives and felt that she should personally let them know what had occurred. She was told not to contact them or let on that any change had taken place until our liaison had made a formal statement to the client letting them know about the transition.

TD was quite impatient for this notification to occur. �I want them off my ass.� Likely as not, their proximity to her backside was in no doubt due to the fact that she had not been processing the claims she received in a timely manner. Some of them had been sent towards the beginning of April. In working these claims, I also discovered that she exaggerated her workload enormously, sometimes counting things as many as three times but that�s really irrelevant to our story today.

Wednesday, the client liaison asked me for pertinent information on my background with the company so that she could put a blurb about me in her notification to the client about the transition.

Thursday, as I am leaving my desk to go to lunch, I walked past TD and she stopped me and asked me if I could shoot her an email telling her a little about myself and my history with the company so that she could include it in the email she was sending out to all of the reps letting them know of the change.

Sa: �I gave that information to ~insert client liaison�s name here~�

That seemed to placate her. I immediately went to the liaison�s desk to let her know what was going on. She was in stunned disbelief over the fact that TD would even consider doing that without consulting her. I figured that was the end of that. I found out the next day, however, that TD had had the nerve to go to the client liaison and ask for my information for the purpose of sending out this email; at which time she was told, in no uncertain terms, that she was not to be sending any emails.

After I returned from my lunch, TD came to my desk in a frenzy looking for something. I asked her when she thought she might have received it and pointed her in that direction. While she was at my desk, another person came over and needed a copy of a letter I had sent out. I left my desk to help this person find a copy of the letter and while I was gone, TD opened some mail that was on my desk (granted it was addressed to her but she had given it to me unopened) and then left with something. I have no earthly idea what it was she took and I think we all know how much I trust her, right?

By the time I got back to my desk, she had left for the day. I had my supervisor send her an email asking TD to direct all future inquiries to her. I went over to TD�s desk in order to try to ascertain what she had taken and to my horror found her desk covered in information she was supposed to have given me.

I informed the client liaison and Friday morning she directed the trucker�s daughter to give me ALL information pertaining to that job function by the end of the day. I was also instructed at that time to lock all of that work up in my desk each evening.

In the meantime, TD responded to my supervisor�s email by talking about what a close relationship she had with these reps and how it was her intention to send them an email letting them know of her departure from that job. My supervisor is then put in the position of having to remind TD not to send out anything until the client liaison has notified the client.

Can I get you to get a freaking clue!

I don�t think I have ever seen anyone as delusional about their place in the grand scheme of things as the trucker�s daughter is. It�s like she thinks she�s neck and neck with the CEO or something!

Oh and she asked my supervisor later in the day, �Are you mad at me?�


So, anyway she is supposed to tie up all loose ends over the weekend and have anything that she has not completed on my desk Monday morning.

I�ll let you know how that goes!



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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