May 10, 2002-6:14 a.m.

Reckon I could use �It�s too rainy� as an excuse not to go into work today?

It�s been raining for several hours now and once my alarm went off, all I�ve wanted to do is climb back into bed, pull the covers up to my chin and listen to the lullaby of raindrops on my roof.

Instead, being the responsible type that I am and not being blessed with any more sick days, I�ll drag my weary ass into work and regret it for the rest of the day.

Yesterday, work was horrid. Everything I touched turned to shit before my very eyes.

Also, my workplace surroundings since the move have taken on a sort of �Twilight Zone� quality. Someone in my area has their radio set to a station that plays easy listening or some other such clap trap. I�m serenaded at various times during the day by the soothing sounds of the Carpenters singing �Close to You� (aaah, ah, ah--close to you) or perhaps Chicago�s �Color My World.� Casa de Satan couldn�t have a more banal and fitting soundtrack.

This woman plays her stereo so loudly that we are able to hear the music she listens to clearly through her headphones. When I first noticed this, I thought they were playing music through the intercom system. She listens to some sort of spirited classical music. When I hear that sort of music like say �Barber of Seville,� I always see little cartoons in my mind. Animated animals gathering food for the winter or something like that. �Tom and Jerry,�maybe. It�s very distracting.

I sit across from a man who is prone to pointless and inane pontifications, sometimes employed, to great effect, to dance around issues and foster the illusion of an intellect. It takes him ten minutes to answer a yes/no question. Because of this, people avoid asking him questions at all costs. He�s starting to take on the appearance of a rat to me lately and I am certain before long he will be the star, in all of his rodent-like glory, of one of my imaginary cartoons.

This episode of Sa�s Inferno is going to be cut short by the fact that but the lights keep flashing and it really is about time I showered.

Stay tuned for future episodes right here in Sa-land!


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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