February 07, 2002-8:54 p.m.

An excerpt from my day�Sa plays Devil�s Advocate!

The desk next to me, formerly occupied by the prot�g� has temporarily been the part-time, used primarily for overtime, desk of Dave. Most of the day Dave is in a training class learning how to process claims. For some reason, Dave�s class was out on the floor today observing seasoned claims payers and working on training exercises while their classroom was used by another group of people.

Dave has for some time now referred to me by the sarcastic moniker �Happy.�

Dave to the trucker�s daughter as she passed him today: �You look like you have something weighing on your mind�

TD: *heavy exaggerated sigh* �I�m sick, Dave. *sigh* I have an upper respiratory infection and an ear infection. *sigh* I took Nyquil the night before last and I slept real good. *sigh* I took Nyquil last night and I didn�t sleep good at all. *sigh* I have all of this tension in my neck and shoulders from tossing and turning all night long. . . .*sigh*�

Sa: ~pulling a tissue from the box on her desk and handing it to Dave~ �Here. You might need this.�

TD: *mumble, grumble, mumble* ��not funny��

Dave: *laughing* �It was sort of funny�

I had already endured a nearly identical whining outburst without making comment earlier in the day when our supervisor asked her if she was feeling better.

One a day. That�s my limit.

You may recall this entry and this entry in which I discussed the fact that the trucker�s daughter has included me in her prayers of late.

It occurred to me today, that I am here to cause her to question her faith.

It�s a heavy mantle, but one that I embrace with pride and glee.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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