November 08, 2001-10:12 p.m.

Workplace irritations abound!

This week the resolve of my sainted assistant finally crumbled and she resumed having lunches with the trucker�s daughter and another lady.

In a stunning display of her apparent na�vet�, the trucker�s daughter allows to my assistant that she knows how many transactions I had completed during the previous day.

�Yesterday, Sa only did X amount of work.�

This was a mistake for several reasons.

    A) It is none of her business how much work anyone does or does not do.

    B) My assistant is not so dim as to believe that the trucker�s daughter is only making note of my production numbers.

    C) My assistant is still stung by the scrutiny the trucker�s daughter afforded her arrival times so admitting that she was snooping into other areas didn�t set well with her.

    D) My assistant tells me most everything she says about me.

I was needless to say livid. I debated my options and decided upon reporting this information to the supervisor in a conference room away from the ears of the prot�g�, whom I have begun to refer to as Dumbo because of her big ears. What will be done about it remains to be seen.

It seems we will be forced to endure Dumbo/the prot�g� until November 30 at which time she will hopefully disappear forever.

In other workplace news, today a crew of men came into work from the company that does our cubicle construction and moving to make sure that all of the shelves in the cubicles on the ends of the aisles were precisely six inches from the top of the wall. We weren�t warned in advance of their arrival so there was plenty of disruption.

Unfortunately my desk is on one of the ends of the aisles and my shelves weren�t within compliance. I had to take time out of my busy day to remove everything from my shelves so that they could be moved.

An ungodly amount of dust bunnies were released throughout the building as a result of the rearrangement. People everywhere were coughing, sneezing and complaining of headaches the rest of the day.

We found out that the director, the same guy from this entry, ordered this. It seems he�s an anal person and wants uniformity throughout. More than one of us wondered when the uniforms would be rolled out. I suggested that they might be day-glo orange jumpsuits with large numbers printed on the back.

One person had a sign on their desk that has been there a while but seemed more relevant today. It says:




I find myself relating to Dilbert�s plight more and more of late.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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