July 04, 2002-8:07 p.m.

Happy 4th of July, y�all.

Today, I�ve worked diligently to regain my crown as Queen of Naps.

I suppose I should apologize or maybe just explain the brief and somewhat cryptic entries of the past several days.

It�s probably pretty obvious that I was really at my wit�s end. I think probably what started this sudden slide was an incident that occurred last week. You may recall this entry in which I expounded upon some of my assistant�s issues.

She is no longer my sainted assistant because she no longer lunches with the trucker�s daughter. That was the basis of her sainthood and now that those circumstances have been removed, her saintliness is no longer valid.

That having been said, last week she was scheduled to have an injection in her back on Tuesday in an effort to alleviate the problems she was having with her hip/leg. She called in on Monday saying that she was unable to get out of bed. She was out on Tuesday for the injection. When she returned to work on Wednesday, she was still wearing the cotton ball with the thick white medical tape that had been placed on her hand when they removed her IV after the procedure the day before.

This would be the straw that broke Sa�s camel�s back. I just could not believe that anyone would employ such a pathetically obvious ploy for sympathy. Everyone that I told said the same thing: �You are LYING!�

Joe Blow comes over to my desk after I�ve told him about the situation and says to her:

�What? You didn�t take a shower before you came to work today?�

�I took a bath.�

�You don�t need that. You�re not still bleeding.�

�I know but it hurts.�

�That�s not helping. It isn�t going to keep it from hurting.�

I love that boy sometimes.

Monday, was a seemingly endless string of inane and moronic questions posed by my assistant.

�Why would they do that?�

�I don�t know�

�What were they thinking?�

�How would I know?�

ad infinitum

Somehow, I managed to survive the day without killing myself or anyone else.

Tuesday, was the rodent�s day! They are changing the way some things are done at work and he is vehemently against the change, going so far as to insist that he will not do things the new way until he is given adequate training (the new method will employ a system that everyone is already using, making training unnecessary) and there is a Policy and Procedure posted on the intranet. He is so vocal and obnoxious about this that people with legitimate questions can�t get a word in edgewise. Grrrrr! That was why the rodent�s death was my most fervent wish that day.

Wednesday found my assistant in whiny overdrive-mode deluxe. I ignored her to the best of my abilities until late in the day. She got some work off of my desk saying:

�I don�t want to do this.�

�Too bad.�

�What? Did you say, �Too bad�?� *tries to get an attitude*

�Yes. I said �Too bad.� Here. You can do this instead if you want.�

�No. I�ll do this.�

�Fine, then stop griping about it.�

�I wasn�t griping.�

*Sa gets fed up*

�How is �I don�t want to do this� not griping?�

Needless to say, this didn�t go over well and she spent the rest of the afternoon banging on her keyboard and slamming things around on her desk.

I spent the rest of my afternoon quietly amused.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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