May 15, 2002-10:50 p.m.

The limits of my sanity are being severely tested this week.

What will it take to send Sa careening over the edge into the abyss of madness?

Let�s see, shall we?

Today�s challenges presented themselves in several seemingly innocuous forms.

My assistant has for the last several months been afflicted with pain that has made its way up her leg from her knee to her back. She waited for quite some time before she sought medical attention. I tried to be sympathetic in the beginning. No, really! I did. It�s been going on for so long now and is so overly dramatic that it is wearing thin. If she sneezes, it is immediately followed by �Ow.� I hardly pay attention when she�s talking to me about her condition. I know my eyes must glaze over the instant that I recognize the path we are taking. I can�t even be bothered pretending anymore. Maybe if she�d change the story up a little each time she bores the living hell out of someone within my earshot. . . . Today it was her medical leave caseworker.

My day started with an email from the trucker�s daughter. Nuff said.

There was then lots of discussion with my pompous, pontificating, rodent-resembling coworker who will unfortunately be the lead person on this job. The job that currently occupies his time was also inherited from the trucker�s daughter and as a result of that experience he has become a conspiracy theorist of sorts where she is concerned. He�s making all sorts of demands and in my view, making the transition harder than it has to be.

While I was eating lunch in the lunchroom today, I could hear a guy at the next table talking in hushed and reverent tones about the story line behind the upcoming Star Wars movie �Attack of the Clones� *My apologies to any of you who may be die-hard Star wars fans, especially you, Tovah* I just cannot think of anything more ludicrous. It reminded me of my nephews trying to �splain Pokemon to me. The worst part about it is that I think this guy is in some sort of management position.

After lunch, we were treated to the horrid spectre that is the trucker�s daughter. She spent an inordinate amount of time in our area and I was forced to turn my stereo up to 14 in order not to hear her annoyingly penetrating voice through my headphones. Reckon tinnitis would be covered under worker�s compensation?

The training has been scheduled for tomorrow at 1:00. I am certain that by 1:00:30 I�ll be frantically searching for an efficient means of ending my life and cursing myself for not having had the foresight to sharpen my pocket knife.

Welcome to hell�Sa style!


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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