April 12, 2004-5:55 a.m.

I spent my weekend researching all manner of issues marital.

Today I will speak with a lawyer that works in Larry�s building about a pre-nuptial agreement. We want everything as if we weren�t married in order to keep family members from squabbling in the event of my/his untimely demise.

We will have to file our income taxes jointly in order to take advantage of the most write-offs. I would only be able to take my student loan interest off if we filed jointly.

Also today, I will call the courthouse and find out what we need to do in order to be married by a JP.

It has been brought to my attention that some folks may not believe that this is actually happening. It is. It has also been pointed out to me that not everyone would make this sacrifice even for a good friend. All I can say to that is that those folks aren�t anyone�s friend and I hope I don�t have any of them in my group of friends.

So far the most sacrifice I can come up with is that I will no longer be able to refer to myself as �the redheaded spinster.� I�ll have to some up with a new moniker. �Redheaded sort of married person� maybe. Doesn�t really have the same ring to it, though.

My mom is concerned that somehow this will affect my job. Like they can fire me for getting married. Just to ease her mind though, I will ask my supe about it.

In other news, I have to call the dentist today. I�m having a bit of a toothache. I�d like to thank Eden for putting the information that a root canal can fail into my hypochondriacally predispositioned brain. Now I am certain that I�ll have to have some expensive procedure done on a tooth that should be good for life.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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