March 15, 2004-5:39 a.m.

It was a busy weekend for our Sa.

I bought flowers and stuff to plant them in pots on my porch Friday evening after work.

Diego decided that 6:30 on Saturday morning was a great time for Sa to be up doing things so I got up and puttered around the house and then got started on the potting project.

I repotted a rose bush that I have had for several years and then put all of the new flowers in pots. I ran out of pots so I went in and cleaned up and went to my hair appointment.

After my hair was done, I went to Wal-Mart for my usual grocery shopping and got another pot for the remainder of the flowers.

I came home and put the groceries away and potted the last pot and filled the bird feeder and hung a finch feeder that a friend recommended that I get.

About this time, my sister and her husband arrived. We visited and I showed them the new computer and a DVD I am trying to make for our aunt of pictures from my uncle's birthday party and pictures of my sister's wedding.

We ate dinner and I went to bed shortly thereafter.

Sunday was another early morning thanks to Diego. I fed him and did some laundry and then tried to go back to sleep.

Larry called to ask my opinion on some hypothetical furniture that he was thinking about and got miffed when I seemed a bit less than enthused at the prospect of trying to approve something I couldn't actually see.

After Larry's call, I was able to sleep for approximately an hour before my phone rang twice in close succession. I didn't know it at the time, but Daddy and Bubba were testing the line so that they could run an extension from my phone over to Daddy's house so that he could take advantage of my metro line when dialing in to the internet.

I got up again and got dressed and fixed myself some lunch. After lunch, I decided to wash the truck and see how much of the red paint I could get off of it before I had to break out the polishing compound.

I managed to get the paint off of the metal part of the truck but I did have to use the rubbing compund on the plastic trim piece that goes around the wheel well. You really have to look to notice that it's been damaged now.

Dad decided that he would move the old computer over to his house so I helped him with that and after dinner, we got it all set up.

I came home and then enlisted Daddy's help to move the treadmill from the back room into my bedroom. I figured if I had to look at it I might be more inclined to use it.

I can't remember the last time I was this productive over a weekend. I think I'm finally coming out of the scared of being laid off doldrums.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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