August 14, 2002-8:41 p.m.

I cannot even begin to express how absolutely and completely pathetic I find this.

This man, Ed Headrick, was not the inventor of the Frisbee. He was the guy who figured out how to get it to fly fast and straight by putting ridges in the plastic.

I say was because he died recently.

It was Ed�s wish to be cremated when he died. Nothing unusual there. Lots of people want that.

What is unusual is that while there is no memorial service planned, Ed�s ashes will be mixed with molten plastic and molded into a limited number of �memorial flying discs.� These special edition Frisbees will be given to friends and family as well as being sold to the public in order to fund a Frisbee/disc golf history and memorabilia museum.

This, of course, got me to thinking. This plan isn�t set in stone and is subject to change at any time, but here�s what I�ve come up with so far:

When I die, I want to be cremated just like Frisbee-man, there. Once I�ve been properly incinerated and reduced to a manageable coarse granulated form, I�d like to then be loaded into a shot gun or two and fired at the things that I really, really dispised in life. The list so far:

  1. Yellow Smiley faces.

  2. Possums

  3. Luxury SUVs

  4. White hosiery

  5. Romance Novels

Okay. That�s all I have so far but I�m sure as soon as I post this a few more will pop into my head.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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