August 13, 2002-10:25 p.m.

Yesterday�s hell continues unabated.

We found out that the rodent and another member of our team will be joining another team leaving us two people short. This will take effect Friday. My assistant is supposed to be trained in all of the intricacies of the rodent�s job function tomorrow. *Sa stuggles with varying degrees of success to maintain a straight face* The three remaining people�myself, my assistant and the letch�are being asked to pick up the slack. We are understandably less than thrilled at the prospect, despite the fact that there will be ample overtime available.

The supervisor sort of implied that I didn�t work much overtime. I told her that I spend two hours a day in my truck. I might work more overtime if I had a system at home. They aren�t giving systems out for overtime at home purposes.

Doesn�t this woman realize that I have a fan base to consider here? I have to take into account more than just myself and how it will affect me if I spend more time at work. I have you people to think about, too.

I sound like Ross Perot with my �you people� there. *Winks at Gerkat and Pineapple Girl--a little political reference. Heh heh*


This happened yesterday afternoon, after this!

You won�t believe it but I swear it�s true, y'all.

I�m on my break at work. I�m at my desk surfing the net as I often do during break times. I notice on one of the news sites that the Perseids will be visible overnight.

Sa: �Oh! We�re going to have meteor showers tonight!�

Assistant de Sa: �I knew something had to be going on. My leg is really bothering me.�

Sa: *hanging her head in utter disbelief* �I said meteor showers.�

Assistant de Sa: �Whatever�

You have to know I couldn�t make this kind of shit up!


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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