November 02, 2001-5:49 a.m.

Exciting news in Sa-land!

It seems the prot�g� has a job interview today!

*Fingers crossed*

*Please please please please*

She is interviewing with another office of our company. The logic of this decision has somehow eluded me. She worked in that office until they relocated to a site about twenty miles to the north.

The proximity of the new office will make it impossible for the prot�g� to go home for lunch, or go and pick her daughter up from school, as she now does. Horror of horrors�her fifteen-year-old daughter will be forced to ride the bus!

As much as I encourage this move, I�m left to wonder why she would think this is a panacea for her troubles. She�ll be driving further, her daughter will be left to the evils of the school bus, and no problems will be solved because she is the problem.

�Fans of Sa-land. I command you. Concentrate all of your energy channeling this change.�


That was a Pinky and the Brain moment!


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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