October 30, 2001-9:28 p.m.

Today in Sa-land�bitter disappointment at life�s unkind twists of fate.

It occurred to me today that I have in my possession everything I would need to costume myself as the trucker�s daughter and win the contest at work tomorrow.

I�ve got old tacky clothes I normally reserve for heavy cleaning or painting that closely resemble the trucker�s daughter�s everyday work attire.

I have a long frosted wig that would be perfect since she so obligingly recently highlighted her hair. I may even be able to locate a banana clip left here by my sister.

I have some old Dr Scholl�s sandals that would pass for her shoes.

I have some cheap gloves that I could snip the fingertips off of in imitation of the fingerless gloves she sometimes wears and I may have an elastic wrist brace, too.

I know with all of these props and my own flair for parroting I could win the day!

Unfortunately, these are tough economic times.

I�ve been lucky enough to escape my earlier work escapades with my job intact.

So rather than press my luck, I�ll forego the costume contest and lose this chance forever.

*wistful sigh*

*Sa curses the Texas Lotto and kicks a wastebasket*



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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