September 14, 2001-11:52 p.m.

In my next life, I want to be a complete idiot.

Steady there, Ms. M, I hear you chomping at the bit.

It�s bound to be more fun being the fool, rather than the one suffering fools.

Today, at work, we had our little �Red, White and Blue Day.� Just as I predicted, there were more Old Navy t-shirts than you could shake a stick at. There were also, much as I feared would be the case, examples of attire in the poorest possible taste. The premise behind the �Red, White, and Blue Day� was that it would give people an opportunity to show their support for the nation by wearing patriotically themed clothing.

For more on my views on this subject, go here.

This whole idea, from the beginning, to me, was rife with opportunities to veer into extremely tacky territory.

I was not to be disappointed.

When I arrived at work this morning, there was a sort of carnival atmosphere. People were rushing around decorating things with crepe paper and helium balloons.

Then I started noticing what they were wearing.

I guess I must have thought that in light of the fact that less than a week ago, we lost thousands of our countrymen to the most heinous acts of terrorism ever seen, people would be a bit more reverent.

We were ostensibly doing this in order to memorialize these people and show our support for our nation.

So I ask you, why did I have to see people dressed in stars and stripes pants and big old floppy stars and stripes Dr Seuss hats?

Did these people really think they were paying their respects by dressing up like foreign caricatures of Americans?

I�m never going to live long enough to figure this world out so in my next life, for the record, I want to be the clueless happy person instead of the thinking person left to just shake their head.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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