September 10, 2001-9:09 p.m.

Today in Sa-land---Is there really an original thought or unique bizarre personality trait for that matter?

I know that they say that every person is an individual and unique in and of themselves, but today I was struck by a startling similarity between my prot�g� and the trucker�s daughter.

You may recall this entry devoted to paranoia. If not, we�ll wait while you catch up. Anyway, today the trucker�s daughter and my prot�g� teamed together to provide me with a most unsettling case of d�j� vu.

First of all, let me present you with a little background. For some reason unbeknownst to me, some of my coworkers regard me as a computer expert of sorts. If this isn�t a clear indication of their ignorance, I don�t know what is. Anyone who has followed my progress here and on my humble website knows that my technical prowess hardly leaves Bill Gates quaking in his chukkas. That being said, I have found myself in the position of having to explain to supervisors how to find information they�ve stored on floppy disc. So in addition to being more accessible and entertaining than the technical staff, who are paid to do those sorts of tasks, I am now known as something of a geekess. Yeah, Ms-M., I can make up words with the best of them!

Meanwhile, back at the ranch. . . .

So I�m sitting at my desk trying not to kill anyone on my first day back and the trucker�s daughter asks me, �You have a webcam, don�t you?� �Uh, yes.�

Her query was the result of her purchase over the weekend of a webcam connected to a motion detector for the express purpose of catching the hooligans who spent their wee weekend hours slashing the tires of the trucker�s daughter and some of her neighbors. Only she doesn�t want to have to give up her computer as evidence and she is insistent on capturing video footage and doesn�t have a CD-R so she has no means of storing and transporting this evidence (except on her hard drive) once she�s obtained it! If she filed a police report and has vandalism coverage on her vehicle, she�s probably just out the $50 deductible and in all likelihood the perpetrators won�t strike in the same place again.

You know, maybe the idea of me as some sort of computer sage isn�t so weird.

Everything is relative, after all.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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