2001-07-24-9:34 p.m.

Today in Sa-land we will be discussing fashion sense or more precisely, the abhorrent lack of fashion sense exhibited by the people who surround me on my job.

As you can plainly see, it is back to business as usual after yesterday�s rather bumpy detour. Enough said about that!

And now back to the subject at hand: the astounding lack of style and panache displayed by my coworkers. I first became aware of this young woman during this past winter. She is a smoker and as such walks past my desk several times a day on her way to the smoking area. She is not an unattractive woman and with the exception of this one item, her wardrobe is perfectly acceptable.

At least twice a week and sometimes as often as three times a week, she wears white tights. Snow white tights. Like ballerinas wear. With dark colored clothing and black Mary Jane type shoes with three-inch heels. Sometimes it�s a black mini skirt, sometimes it�s an ankle length black skirt, on rare occasions it is something pastel, but it is almost always those horrid white tights. I refer to her as �That Damned White Hose Girl.�

I thought I was alone in my disdain for TDWHG but one of my friends was at my desk one day when she went past and I mentioned in passing that I�d like to �knock her down and tear those hideous white hose off of her� and my friend allowed as to how she thought she was the only one who felt that way. Since then, I have found that the numbers of people annoyed by TDWHG are legion.

I know that this probably seems trivial in light of all of the other problems and dilemmas facing the world today, but I say we have to draw the line somewhere or the fabric of civilization will completely unravel before our unbelieving eyes. I think we owe it to future generations of aesthetes like ourselves, to do everything within our power to stop this blight on society now, before it�s too late. I submit that the wearing of white hose during any season of the year, as many as three times a week, is just the sort of affront that could send us careening back to the Dark Ages if we aren�t vigilant.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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