September 16, 2004-6:06 a.m.

Today I�d like to discuss a subject that has really peeved me of late. That subject is school fund-raising sales. I have been inundated of late with catalogs of all manner of items presented to raise money for the schools that my coworker�s children attend. One such campaign was the crux of an unpleasant incident that occurred last week.

The admin for one of the VPs passed around a catalog of cards and gifts for her children�s school. I had already bought stuff from three other coworkers and frankly this catalog of hers didn�t contain anything that even remotely interested me so when the catalog came to me, I looked through it and then passed it to the next person. This was sometime Friday.

Friday was my late night so I was at my desk working when everyone else had left when this admin came up and confronted me about not having placed an order for her kids.


I told her that I didn�t really see anything in the catalog that I wanted to pay that much for and I had already bought stuff from several people. She launches into some spiel about how their school only does this once a year and it�s a Christian school and blah, blah, blah.

So I said, �Okay, give me the book and I�ll look through it again.� Well, my supe had taken the book home for the weekend. Monday morning when she got the book back she put it on my desk. I looked through it again and still didn�t see anything I wanted to spend money on. It was all overpriced and religious. I don�t mind folks having their religion but that�s not my deal and I�m not about spreading an agenda I�m not on board with just to please others. I told my supe about the woman confronting me about not placing an order and that I didn�t want to order anything.

Sa to Supe: �What if I just tell her that I�m not down with Jesus?�

Supe to Sa: �Give me the book and I�ll give it back to her.�

So my supe gave the book back and I bristled for another confrontation. Fortunately that was necessary.

I guess she took the hint.

I was perfectly prepared to tell her that she could take all of the money that she would have spent on my birthday, or wedding should I have one (*wink*) and give that to her kids� damned school in my name and get the hell out of my face.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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