December 15, 2003-6:09 a.m.

We've captured Saddam.

Sa says: "So what!"

The fact that we have Saddam in custody does not make this an any more justifiable war. I didn't hear any mention of having found WMD down there in the hole with him.

Our troops aren't any safer than they were before and no one is getting to come home as a result of this capture. If anything they are probably less safe due to retaliatory strikes.

It's just one more chance for Bush, et al, to wave the flag and invoke the ideals of freedom and justice. Too bad it took so long and we've destroyed a good part of the country. Heh, heh. Our bad.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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