May 29, 2003-8:36 p.m.

A bit of an explanation about yesterday's entry:

It seems a former girlfriend of my brother's has discovered that his is ill. She found the website and has signed up for the notify list. She has read my diary.

Yesterday, she sent him an email to the address for him on the website. I set this email up for him and I'm not sure he even knew about it before yesterday. I made the password something that he could remember easily in case he ever wanted to check it.

She must have sensed that maybe he wouldn't get the email because she called his house yesterday and spoke to my sister in law.

During this conversation she interogated Sheila about what we had and hadn't tried to help Bubba. She suggested that Sheila and Bub divorce so that she could marry him and put him on her insurance. She told Sheila to give Bubba a hug and a kiss for her.

I gave Sheila the information about the email account and she had her mom print out the email for Bubba to read. He has no desire to contact her and who can blame him. She pretty much dumped him and he hasn't heard from her in six years.

I can't even begin to imagine what she hopes to accomplish by this.

My brother needs a heart transplant, he has no insurance and no income. The absolute last thing he needs is more stress in his life right now.

Stress is the only thing she really has to offer.

She called Bubba's house again tonight. I've enlisted one of my sisters to call her and tell her that while we appreciate her concern, her calls are causing Bubba and his family undue stress.

I couldn't do it myself because I know I'd just end up screaming, "Butt the f*ck out, bitch!"


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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