April 05, 2003-4:15 p.m.

I�ve just gotten off of a fairly heated call with the mail order pharmacy.

It seems that since my doctors did not write my prescription for a 90-day supply with one refill instead of a 30-day supply with six refills, they are perfectly within their right to charge me the same price for a 30-day supply of drugs, as they would for a 90-day supply.

So in essence, I paid $70 dollars more for a 30-day supply of drugs from the mail order pharmacy, than I would have paid at my retail pharmacist.

I was completely unsatisfied with this and asked to speak to a supervisor. The supervisor got on the line and tried to tell me that it is written in the plan that for the price of two retail pharmacy copays, for �up to a 90 day supply� of drugs.

I was sort of loud and unhappy, as I suggest anyone in my predicament would have been. I wasn�t cursing or calling her names or anything.

I told her that the information on the website was misleading and that as far as a layperson like myself was concerned, what I had sent to them was a 90-day supply.

Then she said it. One of my worst trigger words.

�Irregardless. . .�

Sa: �Irregardless is not a word.�

�It�s the word I�m using to try to get you to understand�.�

*Sa rolls her eyes*

I was able to find out how my retail pharmacy can have the prescriptions transferred over to them and I told her that I was going to investigate my plan�s provisions and that I may be calling back.

I just know that after I hung up, she probably turned to her nearest coworker and said,

�That bitch tried to tell me that �irregardless� is not a word! Can you believe that?!?!�



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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