March 20, 2003-8:34 p.m.

The nephews are gone. They didn't do anything particularly amusing this visit or maybe I just missed it because I was at work so much of the time.

I just have to make it through tomorrow and then I have a week of vacation! My plans are to get a haircut, a check up and lots and lots of sleep.

I'm also planning on writing my congressmen, representatives and senators about the unavailability of programs to help uninsured/underinsured people who have life-threatening illnesses. Maybe they can scare up some resources we may have missed.

I want to send a special shout-out to Kate for adding Bubba's button to her website and making a generous donation. You are the bestest ever!


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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