September 03, 2002-8:46 p.m.

And I thought spending a three-day weekend with a nine-year-old was bad. . . .

Today, I arrived at work a wee bit frazzled due to the fact that the boy did not leave until nearly 10pm and that just did not allow enough Sa-time before I had to go back to work.

Today was also our first day with Big T as our supervisor.

I had a message on my phone this morning from a provider who had an outstanding issue from the TD days that I had to sort through first thing this morning. That proved to be something of an ordeal.

In the midst of this, I casually mention that we may not be getting a report that the old supervisor used to pass out to us.

Assistant: �Why wouldn�t we get that?�

Sa: �I don�t know. I�m just saying. We�re getting a new supervisor they might do things differently.�

Assistant: �You know something.�

Sa: �I don�t know anything.�

Assistant: �You must know something.�

Very Agitated Sa: �I DON�T KNOW ANYTHING!�

I had no intention of spending yet another day answering her inane questions.

�Why would they do that?�

�What were they thinking?�

Give me a break already! I just spent three days straight with a chatty nine-year-old!

Friday, she had asked me a question about something that she was working on and I noticed that the date on the paper is well ahead of the date we are working that day so I told her to hold off on that work until we finished all of the work we had received prior to that. I stupidly assumed that would be the end of it.

I found out today that she went ahead and did that work after I left. I know that the reason that she did it was that she was on a project all day that she wouldn�t get much count for and this work is quick and easy counts.

Every week this month, I�ve had to sign a paper acknowledging that I haven�t met my goal.

She has not.

I now know why. She cheats.

I am not a happy Sa.

When I met with the new supervisor, it was decided that this work should go in the big pile of work and not be kept separate on her desk, as it had been that day.

Sa to Assistant (who is wearing headphones that belong to me): �The supervisor said that these should go in the backlog and be worked in the order we receive them.�

Assistant (annoyed): �What?�

Sa: �It would be the same as if I kept *insert name of other easy work that comes to my attention but I put in the big pile* on my desk. I told you not to do those until we reached that day�s work and you did them anyway.�

Assistant ~SCREAMING~: �Well, pardon me, Sa!�

Sa: *blinks*

The remainder of the day she spent with her disgusting pop radio station blaring out of the headphones at such a volume that I was able to make out every word of Prince�s �Kiss.� This was interspersed with heavy pounding of the keyboard and lots of drawer slamming and other attention getting devices designed to let me know she was mad. In other words, a tantrum�a daylong tantrum.

Towards the end of the day Big Rob (aka Joe Blow) started slamming the drawers at his desk across the aisle, mocking her. I couldn�t help but laugh. The whole display was so ludicrously childish it was funny. Then while I was on the phone, he came over and asked her what was up with the keyboard pounding and told her �keyboards need love too, man.�

At this point I guess she�d had enough and went and found the new supervisor and the next thing I knew she left.

When I saw the supervisor later, he asked me who I wanted to sit beside when we moved.

I guess we�ll see what tomorrow brings but I have no intention of carrying her anymore. She can try to find someone else to answer all of her questions.

I�m done.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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