August 06, 2002-5:53 a.m.

Great news! Sunday, my mom not only left the house but she left the car, too. She went to my nephew�s birthday party at the bowling alley. She didn�t stay for the entire party but she did put in an appearance. She�s working really hard at getting better.

Yesterday, I got my monthly Hangdogs newsletter and in it they refer to this article about the best bar band in America. They included a picture of the Hangdogs� latest album and a minor blurb about the band gleaned primarily from visiting their website. Did he link their website? No. The author admitted that he had never seen them live but had listened to the album pictured.

What I want to know is�how are you going to do an article on the best bar band in America when you�ve only really seen one of the bands you�re discussing? The Resentments ended up with this title by default having been it seems the only band the author has actually seen. The only other band mentioned besides the �dogs and The Resentments, is Keith Richards� X-pensive Winos. They put out one album eleven years ago people.

I�d like to know how I too can get a cushy, high paying job writing for MSNBC on topics about which I have little or no first hand knowledge.

Oh well, if this brings my beloved Hangdogs the recognition they deserve I guess I can forgive the author�s loose journalistic standards.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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