May 06, 2002-8:56 p.m.

Today�s homework assignment�Make a list of everything I do at work and how long it takes to do it.

The purpose of this assignment is to prove once and for all, definitively, that their goals are impossible for my particular job. The fact that I have been doing this specific job for three years now and have never, that I recall, reached the goals that they are now telling me I must meet is of no consequence. The fact that they have now enlisted help from other members of my team to get caught up with the mountain of work on my desk and none of them have met these goals is evidently also not considered evidence of the impossibility of the task.

A conspiracy theorist would say that management has purposefully orchestrated these impossible goals in an effort to keep from having to give us raises and bonuses.

I could easily become a conspiracy theorist.

The only thing keeping me off of that slippery slope is a sort of vague belief that truth eventually wins out. Though, why I would still hold this belief, despite ample negative personal experiences, is beyond me. I guess that�s what faith is about�belief in the triumph of good despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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