April 11, 2002-5:41 a.m.

I be decidedly zombified.

As if Daylight Savings Time was not beat-down enough, I somehow completely %#$@ed up my aol on Tuesday night and had to reinstall it last night.

Once I finished that daunting task, it was on to the monotonously tedious chore of updating Daddy�s inventory page on his website. I was up much later than usual working on that and it�s still not finished.

Also, at work we are being encouraged, nay, nagged to do as much overtime as possible in order to catch up on the gigantic backlog that was pretty much cheerfully ignored by management until last week.

With the advent of the new supervisor, my team was once again subjected to the mind-numbingly familiar meeting on what can be done, why it hasn�t been done and how it can be done in the future. In the past two weeks we have had no fewer than five of these meetings.

Hey, here�s an idea�fewer meetings, more time to actually work on the task at hand!

Sa = Radical Thinker

Instead of the nap that I want and deserve, I�m going to get ready to meet my day now.

With any luck, I�ll be able to remain conscious and upright.

Caffeine! Stat!



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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