March 14, 2002-7:31 p.m.

Oh my God, y�all!

Yesterday, I was telling a guy at work about the Porn Name Generator and he asked me to email him the URL. He wrote down two of his email addresses on a post-it note and so that I would remember why I had these email addresses and to whom they belonged, I wrote across the top of the note:

�Joe Blow�Porn�

*Not his real name*

This evening, after having dinner with my parents, I came home and turned on the computer. While I was waiting for it to boot up, I glanced over at my desk and there was the note with Joe�s email addresses on it, lying right next to a notepad with my dad�s handwriting on it.

The pen Daddy had used was strategically placed across Joe�s porn note.

There is no way he didn�t see it.

God knows what he thinks.

I should probably explain, but I don�t think I will.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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