January 22, 2002-9:36 p.m.

MLK Day in Sa-land!

I had the day off yesterday. The company designated MLK Day as one of our floating holidays for the second year straight. I think they ought to just buck it up and go ahead and make MLK Day one of our paid holidays especially since they are so intent on closing the office that day but I�m probably just off on one of my left-wing liberal pipedreams again.

I worked for four hours on Saturday so the extra day off was a welcome break. I got up and burned a CD for one of my friends, exercising my newfound technical prowess described in great detail here.

After that exhausting workout, I decided that seeing as how I was still in my PJs and I didn�t have anywhere to go, I might as well crawl back in bed and read/nap for a while.

I made the dogs come inside so they would stop distracting me with their incessant barking at nothing. I was probably under the covers for approximately a nanosecond when the dogs raised the alarm and I looked outside to see a truck I didn�t recognize. I jumped in some clogs and pulled my coat on over my PJs and went outside to investigate.

It seems this was Darrell from across the road along with his unnamed friend and they were here to hunt squirrels. It seems Daddy told him he could come over and shoot squirrels anytime as long as he let someone know he was there.

So much for peaceful reading/nap time!

I know I probably could have told them to skedaddle but since they were carrying rifles, I decided it was probably best not to make a fuss and risk hearing about it from Daddy when he got home.

Thanks to Darrell and his buddy, though, I can now proudly report that I have at last taken down my Christmas decorations and packed them away until next year. I took the wreath off of the front door a few weeks ago when I decided that if I did that maybe total strangers wouldn�t suspect that I still had my tree up. Then I noticed that if you looked at the living room window from outside, you could see Santa stuff inside!

Also yesterday, I somehow ended up deleting some pictures that I needed for my dad�s website. I�m not sure how this news will go over but I have until Thursday evening to formulate a plan or at least a less lame excuse.

So much for the aforementioned technical prowess!



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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