August 25, 2001-5:21 p.m.

I spent the night away from home at a friend�s house on Thursday night. I know you�ve been wondering about my whereabouts. What they thought were pillows, were in actuality pillow-shaped lumps of cement. I hardly slept at all and my neck was killing me when I got up.

I know. I�m a freaking princess. No new news there!

I went to work from there. I had to buy my lunch because I wasn�t at home to make my lunch but that was a minor inconvenience. I also ended up having to spend the day helping another department catch up on their work and that was slightly disconcerting. About noon, when I had written the prot�g� off for the day, she materialized to further add to a day already extremely crowded with petty irritations. I ask you, what is the advantage for me in having her work the four-day workweek if she insists on appearing on the fifth day? We had one somewhat heated exchange and I wore the headphones until she left. I can feel things heating up for �Sa Tells the Prot�g� Off, Part Two�. Stay tuned!

My parents and I live on the same property but in two different dwellings about 50 yards apart. We have a main phone line that rings in every building on the property, including my house. This is also the phone line that my parents use for their automotive-based business. When they aren�t home or I want to sleep in, I usually turn this phone off at my place. For some reason that I can�t quite comprehend, the people who call about the business never believe me when I tell them that I don�t know anything about it. So rather than waste my valuable time with that, I just turn my phone off and they can leave a message at the tone. Anyone who wants to talk to me can call my computer line or leave a message on the other phone that I may or may not remember to check.

So Friday night, I came home and caught up on things and piddled around until 10p.m. I turned the house phone off so I wouldn�t get woken up and went to bed intent on sleeping until at least 10a.m. Larry called me at 8:30 this morning. I wanted to kill him. Under normal circumstances, I would have told him off and hung up on him but since he lost his mother Thursday night, I didn�t feel like that was really appropriate. He woke me up and then while I�m still half-asleep he wanted to discuss what occurs when a body is embalmed and whether instead of making arrangements for the disposition of the body if they should have first tried to sell it on ebay.

God, I love that guy.

Now that I�ve accounted for myself, I think a nap is in order.


**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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