2001-07-16-8:30 p.m.

I had a pretty good weekend.

Saturday, I got up at the crack of freaking dawn and met Larry and Chris for breakfast. After breakfast, Larry and I went to the Parker County Peach Festival. Yep. It was peachy! We just walked around sweating a lot and eating and drinking peach-flavored stuff but it was a pretty good time.

Sunday, I talked to two of my sisters. There had been some speculation that my sister may be asking me to participate in her wedding in September by doing a bible reading. My mom broke this news to me and truthfully, I was less than thrilled at the prospect. Yesterday, when she called, my sister put my mind at ease by saying that she hoped that I would not be offended but she had asked two of her friends to do the readings. Whew! That�s one less dilemma for me. On the one hand, I love my sister and want her wedding day to be the happiest day of her life. On the other hand, I don�t really go in for organized religion despite having been raised as a Catholic. So my choice would have been between my sister�s happiness and my own feelings of hypocrisy if I consented. Fortunately for all concerned, that decision was taken out of my hands.

My other sister just wanted to vent about what is going on in her life. Job frustrations, her ex-husband, and her recent break-up figured heavily in the conversation as well as the upcoming wedding as she has been asked to perform a choral duet for the ceremony. I'm one of her favorite sounding boards.

I also did IM with my friend on the east coast Sunday night. So the bulk of my weekend was spent with friends and family and that was nice. It occurred to me tonight that I am probably happier now than I�ve been in quite some time and I think it is mostly as a result of doing things that I want to do and not worrying about what other people may think. The weird thing about it, though, is that everyone seems to think it�s pretty cool now that it�s out there.

So I think our lesson today in Sa-land is: Follow those inner voices and do things that might not seem entirely sensible on first glance. Follow your muse.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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