July 18, 2003-5:22 a.m.

I happened upon this article about duppies�depressed urban professionals. It�s an article about people who lost their jobs after the tech bust and are now underemployed.

�It sucks so bad to have to drive the BMW to my job at McDonald�s�

*Disclaimer: Hideous--the above is not about you or even the point of this entry, really.*

The article quotes a 27-year-old former tech worker, talking about how difficult it is adjusting to an atmosphere that uses so much less of her intellectual capacity than her previous job.

�I used to work with people who programmed artificial intelligence who are brilliant and fun and interesting. Then, all of a sudden, I'm working with someone who talks about the way someone's butt looks in a pair of pants."

You had me until then.

I was ready to weep those bitter tears with you and commiserate with you on your loss.

But now I�m just thinking you�re delusional�you actually expect people to believe that there is a job out there where people don�t talk about how someone�s butt looks in their pants?




**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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