June 11, 2003-6:04 a.m.

There was a storm here in the middle of the night last night. I woke up right before it hit because the dogs were in my room pacing around and I could hear their doggy toenails tapping the floor. In my sleep-addled state, I was certain that some sort of critter had gotten into the house and was walking around in my room.

Sa was so not into entertaining possums or skunks at 12:30 am.

About the time that I wake up enough to turn on a light and make sure the dogs aren�t pacing the floor because they have no water, there is a loud crash. I�m certain now that the house is about to fall down all around me so I try to persuade the dogs to go with me to Mom�s house. They want nothing to do with it, especially since it is raining.

I turn on the TV looking for weather reports that aren�t there. I came to the computer and even that blasted WeatherBug, which gives me all sorts of information on storms that are 100 miles away, has nothing on this storm.

I look outside and a giganto tree limb is on my roof and hanging onto the ground. This limb is the size of a good-sized tree. It�s dark so I really can�t survey the damage right now. I hope like hell it hasn�t damaged the roof.

Enjoy this entry because, likely as not, tonight I�ll be out side with a chainsaw.

If that�s not a scary picture, then I don�t know what it takes to scare you people.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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