April 15, 2002-9:02 p.m.

Let me start out today by giving a shout-out to my newest workplace fan, the letter lady!

*Sa does the �screwing in a light bulb� parade wave*

Today we were treated to yet another team meeting about what can be done about our enormous workload. I think we all know by now that I view this to be a colossal waste of time, but that�s just me.

The new supervisor is becoming paranoid about whether or not I like her. I had to reassure her that my views on her schemes to get the work done quicker than mere mortals, such as ourselves, can possibly ever hope to accomplish has no bearing, whatsoever, on my feelings for her as a person.

Is paranoia a symptom of pregnancy?

I went with the new supervisor on a little field trip to the trucker�s daughter�s training class today to solicit overtime from the trainees in the form of filing. It was an opportunity for a little bonding between us.

I hope she feels better about things now.

Some people are so sensitive.

Also, today�



Let me compose myself.

~Heaving sob~

The trucker�s daughter finally cleared all of her things from the desk in our team.

It was quite the poignant moment and passed unremarked upon and without much fanfare.

That is, until a member of the technical staff popped by to mock-harangue us all about not helping her!



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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