February 13, 2007-6:35 a.m.

I got the email in the previous entry before I left for work so I was already irritable. I get to work to find that someone has reported my boss and the big dummy reports guy as being too loud on the phone.

No question, they are LOUD.

They had just returned from the breakroom getting coffee while I was just arriving at work and trying to get organized in my cube. God only knows what forces are at work in the mind of that numbskull but he took it upon himself to come over to my cube and inform me of their predicament.

He�s not a small man and effectively pens me into my cube every time he come to my desk. So there I am. . . trapped. I guess at that point the old fight/flight reflex takes over and as flight is impossible with him blocking the only exit, we�re left with fight.

BD: Some reported ~supe�s name~ and me for being too loud.

Sa: Hmmm

BD: When I�m on the phone my hearing aid switches into a different mode and I can only hear the phone, I can�t hear how loud I�m talking. I�ve had this problem since I was 3 years old and went deaf.

Sa: ~cue the aforementioned fight reflex ~ You�d think after all these years, you�d learn to modulate that a little.

BD: No. All deaf people are loud. I�ve been around deaf people my whole life and they are all loud.

Sa: I didn�t report you. (read: go away)

BD: Oh I know, I just wanted to explain to you. . .

Sa: I did not report you (read: go away)

BD: I just wanted to explain my disability for you.

At this point my thought was, I thought we were talking about your deafness not the fact that you are a clueless dolt but I was good. Ok, not good but not as bad as I could have been.

Sa: I really don�t need a lecture. . .

BD: I�m not lecturing you, I�m just trying to explain�

Sa: But I�m not the one who reported you. I didn�t complain about how loud you talk. I have complained about how MUCH you talk.

BD: I just wanted to let you know how it is because you probably haven�t been around a deaf person before.

Ok that was insulting and I�d had about as much of him as I could stand.

Sa: ~Insert Supe�s Name~ Get him away from me! NOW!!

I guess that�s what it took because he finally went back to his desk.

The supe told me that BD was just trying to explain some things to me. I said I had some things I�d like to explain to her and we went in a conference room. When we came out she was going to talk to him about getting a clue and not be so freaking patronizing. She didn�t talk to him then because she had just had to tell him that he was too loud. As far as I know, she�s never talked to him.

Later in the afternoon, we are on a team conference call when he says that he can tell by looking at screen prints and using his previous claims knowledge (not with this company) and determine whether a processor should have certain security. After being prompted via IM by a coworker, I spoke up saying that I was uncomfortable with him making these decisions and that he should check with a supervisor first.

BD: ~LOUDLY~ What you need to understand is blah blah blah.

Ok. No you did NOT just tell me what I NEED to do.

Sa: whoa whoa whoa ~mutes phone~

Supe: We�ll take this offline.

So she was also supposed to add telling people what they NEED to do to the list of things to talk to BD about but, again, I�m sure that hasn�t happened yet. She is about to leave to go out of the country and if she doesn�t get him straightened out before she goes, she may return to find his scorched carcass and an incarcerated Sa.



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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