2001-07-12-7:24 p.m.

Today we found out about our raises. I was led to believe that today would also be the day that I would find out about my promotion. Today we found out about our raises. I am pleased with my raise as it doesn�t include the pay increase that would come with going to the next salary grade but there was no indication as to when they would be telling me about the promotion. I really need a new vehicle and was looking to this raise/promotion to provide the payment for that. I expected to be knowing whether that was in the cards today and instead it is still up in the air. I have a degree, albeit a degree in art, it�s still a degree, damn it. I should not be earning less than the trucker�s daughter. This is bitterly disappointing.

Also today, I was reminded of a variation on the theme expounded upon here---blatant mispronunciation of words. Someone came to my desk to ask me about a mammiogram. The word is mammogram.

So, here is a list of my top favorite mispronounced words, in no particular order.

    Vy-ay-na sausages=Vienna sausages

    Nucular bomb=Nuclear bomb



Perhaps, I should consider whether I might have been behaving pettily of late?



**Disclaimer: All characters in this diary are fictional. Any resemblance to actual people living or dead, real or imagined, is purely coincidental and unintentional.**


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